Pine Island still has wildlife seen occasionally roaming around in various communities.
While untouched areas of Pine Island are becoming more and more scarce, larger animals like giant otters, feral pigs, coyotes can be heard howling in the woods in Pineland, wandering peacocks, bobcats, panthers and, of course, the ubiquitous alligator are still witnessed.
However, the as the area becomes more populated, the full grown sizes, and overall population of the animals are observed getting smaller due to larger predators, old age, and cars and trucks inevitably make contact with them if they attempt to cross roads.
Consequently, when a particularly large example of one of these critters shows up, it is note worthy.
Such an example is this gopher turtle and while the species in not rare, the size of this one is. The shell alone measures 15 inches, add four inches for the head and 2 inches four the tail, you have a 21 inch gopher. These are strong enough to drag a coyote or larger around but comforting to note they are just vegans.